I saw that on Pinterest!

Let me be the first to say--I loooove Pinterest! Has there been a better website invented? I hardly think so. I'm on Pinterest more than Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram combined. I actually am currently on both this blog page and Pinterest.

I love that we live in a world where we can share creativity and our interests with people across the planet. It really is a fantastic thing. I follow boards of people I've never met, and I have people following me who are also complete strangers. Sure, that could sound creepy, but all those people know is I have a strange addiction to nerdy stuff and wedding things...no pictures or personal information gets exchanged, unlike on Facebook or even Twitter. Oh, and have you seen that awesome new choice to "Explore Interests"??? I love that! It takes things you've pinned about and suggests other pins like them...basically like searching but without having to type anything into the search bar. Try it--it's fun.

Now before I go into my list (because I have a list....yay!), I do have one problem with Pinterest. While we get to share our creativity, it has taken away our originality. In the time B.P. (before Pinterest), someone would have a clever idea for decorating or party planning and we would compliment their creativity. Now, the first thing we ask is:  did you get that from Pinterest? (Or maybe that is just me...) Let me give you an example. My summer job involves catering, and two summers ago, we catered a wedding. It was our third wedding of the year, I believe, and when the bride started unloading all her things from the back of her car, I had to bite my tongue. Because every. Single. Thing. Was from Pinterest! Her table decorations--saw them on Pinterest. Her gift table--repinned on my "Wedding Board." Her pictures for her thank-you cards--liked those from someone else's wedding board. Now, I'm not saying it was a bad thing...I'm just saying that I knew she had come up with none of it on her own. I'll be honest--I have a huge wedding board and I'm not even dating anyone! I know I'll use some of it, but I at least plan to put my own spin on things...make it a little less noticeable.

Anyway, I digress! My point was not to rant; rather, my point was to regale you with tales of my Pinning history. Okay, not really. I just thought it would be fun to look at the things I pin the most often. So, here is my list of Categories I Most Often Peruse When On Pinterest.

1. Geek
Really? Are you surprised with this one? Between the Tolkien, Supernatural, Star Wars, and Sherlock, I'm set for a good long nerding-out. And then you have the Harry Potter and Indiana Jones and superhero pins...it's just good fun.

2. Weddings
I may be single, but I have my entire wedding planned, thanks to Pinterest. There is just so much out there--how can you not take advantage of it?

3. Humor
When I need a good laugh, I can always find something here. Appropriate, inappropriate, nerdy, mainstream, whatever.

4. Education
Fun lesson plans and bulletin board ideas galore! (Although, I will say, I did not get my bulletin board idea for this month from Pinterest...just so you know.)

5. Random smackling of other categories
Those four are my main go-tos, but I also like to occasionally browse the Food & Drink, Women's Fashion, Home Decor, Kids, Film, and Travel categories. It depends on my mood, among other things.

If you are already on Pinterest, I'm sure you understood everything up there. And if you aren't on Pinterest, get on it now. Don't ask. Just do it. You'll waste hours and hours of your life, but you'll learn something new everyday!

Stay gold!


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