Girls in White Dresses

I know the title of this post makes it sound like I'm about to write about The Sound of Music, but actually, this post has nothing to do with my all-time favorite movie.

Instead, this is another book review for my Quarter Life Crisis reading list. Book #3 is Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close.

I started this book yesterday. I finished it yesterday, too. It's a very quick read, and it's very clear to see why it is included on this reading list. The book revolves around a group of friends and alternates between their points of view. They all met in college or through work, and while most of the stories involve Isabella, Lauren, and Mary, there are other characters thrown in just to keep things interesting. One might think it is all about them getting married due to the title, but it isn't just that. It's about these twenty-something women who have graduated from college who may or may not be working in their degree field, may or may not be dating a decent man (or a stoner), and may or may not be over their wild party years. It is quite difficult to describe the plot of this book, as there is not one story arch. Rather, Jennifer Close describes many different vignettes of their lives, from first vacations with a serious boyfriend to Thanksgiving back home with the family to meeting up with that old college friend you secretly hate but is just too outrageous to believe.

And as they go through their lives, their friends begin to get married. They attend showers. They drink champagne. They have babies. They get pets. They move to bigger apartments. This book is about these women's lives. And it is fantastic!

I nearly read the whole thing in one sitting. The characters are likeable and relatable (I loved Isabella). I will say, it took a little while to get into it because it changes point of view so much, and every once in a while there is a flashback (usually back to another girl's story from this new point of view). All in all, however, it is worth reading, if only to realize that you aren't the only one who worries about being alone forever or being afraid to quit your job because you might not get another one you like as much.

Girls, read it. Because we're all going to be a "girl in a white dress" at some point or another.

Stay gold!


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