Take the Target Challenge!

Are you up for a challenge? I was on Saturday when I went shopping with a good friend. I had heard about the $10 Target Challenge online (my sister had shown me a video made by a hilarious vlogger who filmed herself during and after the challenge...I decided not to record myself, but this is basically the same principle). 

The challenge is simple:  purchase 10 items for $1 or less. There are only a few rules (some self-imposed, some just common sense). You cannot buy everything from the same place, i.e. the dollar bins, the clearance rack, the travel items, or ten of the same item. That's cheating. But other than that, there are no rules. 

Here's the thing, though. The challenge sounds simple. Target is huge--it should be easy to find ten items that are $1 or less. Well, that's wrong. If you ever really look at prices in Target (or any retail store), things that seem like they should be cheap are not cheap. Scotch Tape, for instance, can cost $3-4! It's just crazy! But...we did it! We managed to find ten different things that cost $1 or less. Here is my bag of spoils:

We started out in the Dollar Spot (that glorious dollar section right at the front of the store. They've got some good things there, but beware--it's not all really $1. However, this cute container of Easter sidewalk chalk:  $1.

We completely skipped over accessories, women's clothing, and the baby aisles. You aren't finding anything $1 there. But in the toy section, we found two fun things. First, this giant bubble wand! Only 99 cents--how fun!
 And then, a mini box of Goldfish crackers. Now I'm sure if you broke it down and compared the amount here for $1 versus a regular sized container, I wasn't really getting a deal...but it was only 99 cents, so that's the only deal I care about.
 From there, we passed by the electronics, the books, the music, and the outdoor/athletic equipment. Again, probably not many $1 deals there. However, in the seasonal candy aisle...$1 for these Frozen-themed Jelly Bellys! Can you beat that?
We did try the food and drink aisles, because generally you can find something to stretch your dollar there (depending where you look). And these Ice drinks were on sale for...$1!

So far, so good! We went through the home goods (again, what a laugh!) and tried the clearance section at the end of the office supply aisles. We found these erasers on clearance for 84 cents! What a steal! (My computer is being dumb and won't center these next pictures...grrrr!)
Then, while we were in the office supplies, we scoured for other deals and snagged these notecards for only 49 cents! Woo hoo!
After that, we ventured across the aisle to the beauty section. This Wet-n-Wild nail polish only set us back 94 cents, and the comb--only 97 cents! We were cleaning up this challenge!
If you've been keeping track, that's 9 items. Only one more. And other than cleaning supplies and pet care, our last option was greeting cards. And everybody knows that greeting cards are sometimes the most expensive items in stores (okay, maybe not, but it sure feels like it...I mean $3.99 for a card? Come on, man!) But this cute thank-you card only cost 99 cents.
 Our $10 Target Challenge Total (not including tax):  $9.21

Now, I'm not saying go and spend $10 just to spend $10. All of this stuff I can use, whether at home or at school. Yes, even the bubbles. I'll use them, don't you worry.

But I have to say, this challenge was lots of fun! It would be neat to do it if you were trying to fill a gift basket or a care package or shop for school supplies...oooh, that last one gives me an idea for another post! Check back with me toward the beginning of the school year for more fun and games on that avenue.

And if you take any of my advice ever, take this (until I come up with something better):  sometimes, just do something that's fun. There doesn't need to be any other reason. Just have fun.

~And of course, stay gold!


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