Wise Words: Austen Edition

Confession:  I am wholly and completely disappointed in myself.

Why? Well, if you happen to recall back in January, I posted about my New Year's Resolution. The only resolution I was making:  to live my life intentionally. It sounds easy.

It isn't.

I have been doing a rather awful job of it all. Oh, like all resolutions, I started out strong. I made time to read every day. I thought hard about my blog posts and really tried to dig deeper than the fluff I sometimes post {although I love the fluff, don't get me wrong}. I tried to stay in good contact with my friends. 

But then, only about a week ago {exactly a week--it was on our snow day last Wednesday}, I was forced into a realization:  I haven't been intentional at all as of late. I haven't written anything of consequence {again, fluff with no substance}. I haven't been very dedicated to posting here. I haven't been good about maintaining my friendships and other relationships. The entire point of living intentionally is that if something is important enough to deserve your time, then you make the time for it!

As I said, I am a failure. Well, I was failing. I don't like the permanency of the other word. I have revisited my "living intentionally" decision {which goes hand-in-hand with my decision to live a "Hallmark Channel life"...I'll explain that more some other time}, and I've revamped my way of thinking on some things. 

Which brings me to some Wise Words. These come straight from the pages of my beloved Pride and Prejudice. In the scene where these words are uttered, Lizzie has been accosted by Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who has heard something unsettling through the aristocratic grapevine:  her nephew, Mr. Darcy, may be planning to propose to Lizzie. Obviously, this will not do, because how could the great Lady's nephew be married to such a low class individual? I'm getting off topic here but for good reason {and one of those is obviously that Pride and Prejudice is always an acceptable tangent}. I am merely setting the stage to bring attention to the last word in this quote {it isn't the complete quote from the book, but it is good enough for me}. The last word is the pronoun "you," which in context, is referencing Lady Catherine. However, in my context, "you" is not directed at any specific person. Rather, I want to direct this "you" at the world in general. If I'm going to live my life intentionally, then the world and all it contains is going to have to learn to cooperate. Anyway, enough from me...let's let Lizzie {via the words of Jane} speak:

"I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you."

Pretty powerful stuff, huh? We should all be acting in the manner which will make us happy. We should all be doing the things that will make us happy. We should all be intentionally making time for those things {or those people}. 

So I'm renewing my resolution. And if I were you, I'd look back on those changes you wanted to make for yourself. No time like the present, right?

~Stay Gold!


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