5 More Things to be Thankful For

Schedules...I love schedules. And I love being back on a schedule, at least where my blog is concerned. I'm even cooking up some ideas for future posts and a possible series of posts (I may need to ask for feedback before I actually go through with it!)

Anyway, as I said, I need to catch myself back up to the number of days in November, and so here will be five more things for which I am thankful (don't end a sentence in a preposition...even though my title totally is...grrr!)

6. My Schatzi dog
Growing up, I never got to have a dog. We lived in a very small house and had two working parents plus three kids in school, so my parents did not want a dog to be cramped in that tiny house all the live-long day, which now I can understand. And so we got our first puppy when I was the ripe-old-age of 20 and about to head off to college, and I was ecstatic. Our Schatzi is the best dog I could ask for. Does she randomly bark at things that are over a mile away? Yes. Does she stink? Yes. Is she absolutely terrible at playing fetch? Yes. But she is my Schatzi, and I love her. 

7. My faith
I can't sit in church every Sunday in the choir loft and then suddenly shy away from my faith when I am posting about thankfulness. Just wouldn't make sense, would it? I am thankful to have grown up in the church with an unshakable knowledge of who God is and what He did for me through Christ. I am thankful to have been so loved even before I was born--so deeply loved that Christ would die a horrible death on the cross for me, thinking about me, saving me. I am thankful to be able to read God's word and to try and discern what He is doing in my life. I am thankful to have that solid rock on which to stand...all other ground is sinking sand.

8. My talents
I always feel strange, writing about "my talents." I mean, who actually decides what one's talents are? I could write how thankful I am for my talent at athletic competition, and anyone who actually knows me and has seen me run (sorry) or try to dribble and shoot a basketball (sorry again) would know that my perception of athletic talent and the world's perspective on athletic talent are markedly different things. BUT...I am thankful to have been given a voice that is fairly pleasing to the ear. I am thankful to have been given a creative streak (though anything greater than doodling, I cannot do). I am thankful to have been given a gift with words and the ability to craft stories and skits and fairly (at least I hope) entertaining blog posts. I truly don't think I'm over-reaching when I say I have those talents. If you disagree, by all means, let me know.

9.  Literature
Okay, honestly, where would I be without books? My entire life would be incredibly different had I never developed a love of the written word--and I firmly believe that. I likely wouldn't have become a teacher. I probably wouldn't have the friends that I do, because they tolerate the fact that I can't be without a book...and they know exactly what to buy me for Christmas and my birthday as a result. ;-)
If it weren't for the talents given other writers...if it weren't for Jane Austen, S.E. Hinton, Janet Evanovich, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien...would I even aspire to someday be a published author?  I'd like to think not.

10. My home
Right now, I am twenty-five-years-old and still living with my parents. As much as some people might count that as torture, I'm truly just fine. I have a warm bed in which to sleep every night. I have a garage for parking my car (technically, it's a tool shed, but who is splitting hairs here?). I have food to eat whenever I feel so disposed. I have parents who expect very little of me, so long as I help out and keep my things tidy (i.e., not all over the living room or the kitchen or the den or the hallway). And I'm saving money! I told this to my students (that I lived with my mom to save money), and one of them belted out, "Save big money at your mom's!" in the tune of the Menard's jingle. Yeah. That's what happens in my classroom.

Stay gold :)


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