Even More things to be Thankful For!

I had every intention of posting on Friday the 15th, which would have then caught me up. Unfortunately, my life did not cooperate. I spent very little time at home near my computer between Wednesday and Sunday. And then when I was home on Sunday, we lost power and our internet connection. Hence, this next grouping of five things for which I am thankful is coming to you today.

11. Chocolate
I know, it's cliché. But really, some days I just need it. I keep a filing cabinet drawer stocked with chocolate in various forms (with and without nuts, caramel, nougat, wafer). If you teach with me and don't know about this drawer, it is the top one in the left hand cabinet. I completely understand if you ever need to come into my room and tell me you "need to get a file." Trust me, I probably "need a file" too.

12. My health
I'm thankful I have always been a fairly healthy person (though I wasn't a healthy child). I usually get sick once or twice a year, and usually it is because of my students (sorry kiddos). But I have had no lasting ailments, no reasons for hospitalization, none of that. I am very happy about it, too.

13. My safety
After the events that took place yesterday throughout Illinois, I am so very thankful that I was in a safe place. I am so thankful for my family's safety as well, and that all of my friends were safe. I am thankful I still have a roof over my head and a place to work in and a car to drive. Today more than most I realize what a blessing those things are!

14. Music
I was informing a friend recently about an upcoming date I had, and she asked me about the gentleman. I said I didn't know much about him, but I knew that he liked music. Her response was, "Who doesn't???" And I agree! I can't think of a single person who has ever said, "Grump, grump, grump...I hate music! Whenever I hear music in general (not even a specific genre), I find myself wishing I were deaf." Just so you know, this is what a person who does not like music would sound like. Anyway, I am thankful for music. I am thankful I can play music and read music and listen to music and experience live music. I am thankful for almost every genre (can't quite bring myself to be thankful for rap or even some hip-hop...or free-form jazz). I am thankful for the composers who wrote some of my favorite songs and the artists who perform them. After all, if music is the food of love, play on!

15. Sleep
Goodness, I love sleep! And I don't get enough of it. I'm not a person who could sleep away the day by any means, and I hate when I sleep to the point where I feel like I've lost time I could have been doing something productive. But I am a firm believer in a good night's sleep, and I don't get those very often. I don't sleep well--I've never slept well. And so that is why I am so thankful when I do!

Stay gold :)


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