Oozing with Thankfulness!

So much for posting sometime in the past five days...oh well, what are you going to do? You can't fire me, as this is my blog, owned and operated by me. I suppose you could stop reading it.

Please don't stop reading my blog.

That will make me incredibly sad.

Time for five more things on my list!

21. Pain relievers
I'm so thankful for Advil. I'm not a pill popper, but when you get headaches like mine or cramps like I do, Advil is a necessary lifeline. I'm serious--today I spent the better part of an hour huddled in my desk chair while the kids worked on maps, wondering if would be able to talk without throwing up or stand without fainting, thanks to cramps. And thanks to Advil, they eventually went away.

22. Clean slates
Literally and figuratively! I love a clean, never-been-used chalkboard and a long piece of chalk, but I also love second chances. I love changing my entire mood by cleaning my room down to the bone and sweeping out my car and straightening up my classroom. I love starting a new journal and even a blank Word document, with it's blinking cursor. I love starting fresh.

23. Moisture!
I don't mean water in general (although I am very thankful I have clean water to drink). I mean things like lip balm and lotion (so maybe "moisturizers" would be a better title). I love that weird tingle I get when I slather my dry, dry hands in lotion. I love rubbing my lips together after applying a fresh coat of chapstick. And I am so thankful that I am blessed enough to be able to have a set of these moisturizers in my purse, in my desk at school, and beside my bed.

24. Excursions
I'm a very introverted person. I love being able to stay at home and not see people and just be a hermit (my one big fear for living on my own...would I ever leave the house?). But I am so thankful that I have people in my life who are willing to fight past that and basically say, "Sorry, Kait, but you're going to socialize now." Whether it's my weekly meet-up with Katie in Champaign, a random shopping trip with my sister, or planning to see a movie on Black Friday with Meagan, I am thankful I have things to do with people I love.

25. You!
I bet you're all thinking, "Wait...me??? Can she see me right now? Has she hacked into my computer and is watching me with my own webcam?" (because I am totally tech-saavy enough to do that...not). But honestly and truly, I am thankful for each and every person who takes the time to read my nonsensical ramblings, even just once. A person can't be a writer if no one is reading their work, so even if no one ever shares this with anyone else or I don't end up on Ellen for having a super-amazing blog, I am still beyond grateful that someone out there is reading what I have to say (and I know this because there is a handy little chart when I log in to tell me how many (if any) people have viewed each post). And my heart skips a beat whenever that number is higher than zero :)

Stay gold, dear reader.


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