The Final Five

Last day of November...only 31 days left in 2013. Only 25 days until Christmas. Only 12 days until The Desolation of Smaug premieres (come on, don't pretend you didn't see that one coming). And it is the last post of my thankfulness series. Perhaps if I had done this daily on, say, Facebook or Twitter, the topics might have come easier for me, but trying to do groups of five hasn't always been easy. However, I shall give this final grouping of five a valiant effort.

26. My body
I take having a healthy, complete body for granted some times. I am thankful that I have two feet attached to two legs that can get me from A to B in whatever manner I see fit. I am thankful I have ten fingers attached to two hands attached to two arms that allow me to do everything from lift a car over my head (hahaha) to type this blog post. I am thankful I have two eyes, two ears, and working vocal chords. I am thankful for my crazy gingerish hair that covers my scrawny giraffe neck. I'm much better off than some.

27. My car
I am so thankful for Tara the Two-Hundred. That white little gem gets me where I need to go and helps me to look fabulous on the way. I love that car.

28. My life experiences
I am thankful that I got to live in England for two months. I am grateful I got to spend two weeks backpacking across Europe. I'm grateful I got to go skydiving. I'm thankful I had the means to take an awesome best-friend road trip to Virginia. I am thankful I have the chance to learn how to play the violin. I'm thankful I had the chance to go Revolutionary War reenacting (and really hope I can do it again!) My life would be rather dull without these things.

29. Coffee (and tea)
I'm thankful for hot beverages in general. I'm a much brighter-eyed person once I've had my morning cuppa. And I'm sure I'm much more pleasant to be around. No, I'm not that person who's all, "Don't talk to me before my coffee," but that doesn't mean it's not a bad idea to heed that advice anyway.

30.  Movie Theaters
Yesterday evening, I got to see Catching Fire on the new Big-D screen in the Champaign theater (next to Meijer). Tonight, I am going uptown to see Frozen on the newly-reopened single screen in the Onarga Theater (next to the Onarga Historical Society). What do these two things have in common? First of all, both of these theaters have, until recent weeks, been closed. Thus, it has been difficult for me to go see movies. Second of all, I love going to movies. Normally, I go to at least one movie a month (in a slow month with no good movies showing). But since summer, I have had to drive all the way to Savoy to see a movie. That really isn't too much farther than going to Champaign, but it's enough to make me reconsider how much I actually want to see said movie. I'm just happy I can get my popcorn and sit in a comfortable seat and enjoy a movie within a comfortable driving distance from home.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Stay gold!


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