Another 5 Things for Which I am Thankful

This should be the last consecutive thankfulness post. There will be two more, as there are still ten days in November, but there should be another post in between this and the next thankfulness post. Anyway, here we go:

16. Television 
This one makes me sound lazy, but I am such a television junkie, so yes, I'm owning this one. Comedies, dramas, cop shows, sci-fi shows, thrillers, history programs...I don't care, as long as I can get into the show and enjoy the characters, I'll watch it.

17. Popcorn
The official snack food of Illinois! And the staple of the American cinema. And something the Eastern Woodland Native American tribes used to eat, as well (that's the Social Studies teacher coming out, right there!)

18.  Target
Seriously, can you go into Target and leave empty handed? That store has everything I could possibly ever need--books, movies, clothes, school supplies, decorations, food, essential life items...what would I do without Target?

19. Technology
I love my iPhone. I love my laptop. I love my SMART board. I love my imaginary tablet that I have every intention of buying and yet still have not managed to acquire. As frustrating as technology can be sometimes, I am very thankful to have been born in an era where I can at least type. I think I could go without most devices, but being a writer, I have found that I can type much faster than my hand can write using a pen or pencil.

20. My bed
I wish I was in my bed right now. As you can tell, this post is not necessarily up to my usual standard of wittiness. I'm exhausted, and that's not going to change for the foreseeable future. I wish I was in my comfy bed with all my pillows and blankets and my heating pad......this is making it worse.

Stay gold!


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