Being a Disney Princess

Most every woman and girl that I know (and probably quite a lot that I don't) has likely at some point in their life wanted to be a Disney princess. I mean, between the beautiful dresses, the handsome princes, the animal companions, and the amazing adventures, how could you not want to be a Disney princess? Sure, sure, stereotypes are evident and certain ideologies might be advanced, but honestly, who didn't want Jasmine's hair--or her pet tiger?

Well, the other day, I was cleaning my room. Deep cleaning...going through drawers and boxes, trying to get ride of things that I don't need anymore. I sat there, shuffling through junk and trash and dinglehoppers, gadgets and gizmos aplenty, whosits and whatsits and thingamabobs, when I realized something:  I am exactly like Ariel! I keep everything...and if you don't believe me, you're welcome to come look through my boxes in the barn and attic.

Then it hit me:  I am a Disney princess...sort of. I share qualities and traits with almost every single princess, though they aren't necessarily the most royal attributes. But put them all together and what do you got? Not bipiddi, bopiddi, boo, but a bonafide princess.

I am a packrat...just like Ariel. As I mentioned above, I keep everything:  ticket stubs, napkins from restaurants, papers I wrote in middle school, tags from clothes just in case I have to return them three years after I wear them. Some of it has sentimental value; some of it is just junk. I'm working on decluttering...I just hope I don't have to have my dad come in and destroy everything like King Triton did.
I live with my head in the clouds...just like Belle. They even sing a song about how odd Belle is at the very beginning, and she doesn't even notice because she has her nose stuck in a book. To be honest, I always wanted to be Belle...just so I could have her library. But I'm sure Belle faced some of the same struggles I do as an avid reader who lives in a fantasy world. You expect people to be like the characters in your books, and they never are. And at some point you have to face reality.
I am stubborn and have a temper...just like Merida. I love Merida. She stuck to her guns when her parents wanted her to do something she didn't want to do. But her temper got her in trouble. She said some things she didn't mean while she was angry, and a lot of bad things happened as a result. In the end, she worked them out, but it wasn't easy and she had to swallow her pride...not an easy thing for me, either.
I have a guilt complex...just like Rapunzel. Dear Rapunzel was sheltered throughout her life until a handsome rogue climbed in her window and offered to give her what she wanted most in exchange for a crown. That has never happened to me. But the entire time Rapunzel was on her amazing adventure, she felt guilty. She knew her mother (who really wasn't her mother and was instead quite evil) would be worried about her (really, Gothel was worried Rapunzel's true identity would be discovered). I constantly feel guilty for things that aren't my fault or are out of my control. I had a breakdown when I was in England because I was worried about causing people back home to worry about me. What is that? Who does that? Rapunzel and I do. She got better. And I did, too.
 I am too nice...just like Cinderella. The poor girl was mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters and that stupid cat, and she never did a thing about it. I am way too nice--I rarely tell people no, and I frequently get taken advantage of because of it. People say I'm dependable, which always makes me feel good, but because of this opinion people have of me, I hesitate to do anything to besmirch that image. Thus, I never tell people no, I end up with way too much on my plate, and then I turn into Merida, yelling at people, but still not saying no because as Rapunzel, I would feel guilty for doing so. And believe me, no fairy godmother has ever come down to make up for it.
See? Being a Disney princess has its ups and downs. Now, if I could just manage the wardrobe and living quarters to fit my princess status, then we'd be cooking! (But not literally. Since I'm a princess, I'd have someone to do that for me, while I sit in my massive library...*sigh*)

Stay gold!


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