I love this time of year!

Yes, I do. I don't just mean Christmas, either. I mean Christmas break. No school for two weeks...I can't even begin to describe how much I needed this break. I was this close to pulling my hair out on a daily basis. The kids needed the break, too. They were getting restless and antsy and driving everyone up the wall and onto the ceiling. And since I'm such a list-maker, here is my list of the things I plan to do over Christmas break.

1. Sleep In!

 Oh my heavens, is this going to be a wonderful thing! Granted, anymore, sleeping past 8:00 or even 7:30 is considered sleeping in for me. Still, a few extra hours would be fantastic...and I have a feeling many of my students will be doing this also.

2. Read!

I have so many books on my shelf that I haven't had a chance to read yet. There is no way I will get them all done by the end of break, but I can get started. Plus, I could use the time to just relax.

3. Write!

I don't get to write non-blog posts very often. I hate when I have story ideas in my head and can't get to my computer to get them out and into a document where I can do something about them...give these characters and scenes life.

4. Visit friends!
I miss them all, and almost all of them will be in the area for at least a short time. We need to talk and eat food and meander around museums and malls and sit in movie theaters and drink wine...it's going to be great!

5. Catch up on TV shows!

I'm very far behind on all my shows. Like at least November behind...time to get caught up and figure out what is going on with my favorite characters. It has been really hard to scroll through Twitter fast enough to miss the updates every week.

Enjoy your holiday break (if you get one)...even if it's only a couple of days!

Stay gold! 


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