Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

December has officially arrived. As my students so cheerfully reminded me, there are only 23 days until Christmas. One of my absolute favorite things about Christmas is all of the movies I get to watch. So for the month of December, I think I will post about some of my favorites, starting with the all-time best Christmas movie.

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

One of my favorite things about Christmas movies are the touching, emotional moments. And the moment Charlie Brown looks up at the sky to see the twinkling star as Linus's voice repeats the Christmas story from the book of Luke, my eyes well with tears as I try to hold it together. Then I just let it go when his friends decorate his tree and start singing Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.

I don't think there is a better Christmas movie that unites adults and children, young and old. All those little kids, trying to put on their Christmas pageant without any grownups to help them. The rockin' band playing songs in their costumes. Snoopy and his dog bowl tricks. Linus and the gang throwing snowballs at tin cans. Lucy the psychiatrist. Picking out the tree. I can't wait to sit down and watch this movie at least five times this year.

Because that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

Stay gold!


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