Tis the Season!

For some reason, my posts are happening later in the day. I don't really know why. That's life for you, I guess.

Christmas is two weeks away. I don't say this to put everyone in a panic because there is so much left to do (which it's serving to put me in a panic, so that didn't work out so well).

I say this because, as the song puts it, the Most Wonderful Time of the Year will be over in fourteen days. Only thirteen days until Christmas Eve.

This reminds me that I still have presents to buy for at least five people on my list. I have yet to send out a single Christmas card. I have no idea what dishes I am taking to the various Christmas parties to which I have been invited. All the presents I currently have are as yet unwrapped. I have lessons to plan so that I can fully enjoy my break. I have papers to grade for the same reason. I need to have a plan to take down all my Christmas decorations before leaving school on December 20. My choir has one more practice which must encompass our prepared music for three consecutive services. I have hours upon hours of Christmas movies and specials to watch, as well as read the books I always read. I have to make plans so that I can spend an equal amount of time of my break with friends, family, and alone. I need to get my oil changed, and goodness knows I won't have time for that before Christmas.

And yet, above all this bustle, I realize...

I only have fourteen more days to enjoy my Christmas tree lit up in a dark house.

Only fourteen more days to listen to Bing, Frank, and Johnny croon out my favorite holiday songs.

Only fourteen more nights to fall asleep dreaming of a white Christmas.

Only fourteen chances to make the season bright for someone other than myself.

Only seven more days to see the excitement in my kiddos' eyes as they entertain me with stories of what their Elf did the night before.

Only fourteen more days to drop change in a bell-ringer's bucket.

Fourteen more chances to wish someone a Merry Christmas.

Thirteen more nights to reflect on why this season is so important. To stare at the night sky and wonder what it looked like in Bethlehem that night. To sit in the still darkness and imagine I can hear the sound of angels singing...

For behold, I bring you tidings of great joy! For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord! And this shall be a sign unto you... ~Luke 2:10-11

For unto us, a child is born. For unto us, a son is given...and he shall be called Wonderful. Counselor. Almighty God. The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace.  ~Isaiah 9:6-7

Silent night, holy night. All is calm. All is bright, round yon virgin mother and child. Holy infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace.

God bless us, everyone!
Merry Christmas.

~Stay gold.


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