Goals for 2014

2013 is over. It was a good year--lots of changes, lots of things to think about revisiting or redoing for the next year. Was it a great year? Maybe, maybe not. But I would definitely say it was a good year.

Time to look forward at 2014. What do I want out of this year? Where do I want to be on December 31, 2014? Not literally, but as a person. To help with this, I have accumulated a list of goals for the coming year. Not resolutions, mind you, but goals. I see them as different things. My resolutions are things like "living healthier by eating right and exercising." My goals are quite different and much more specific (for the most part).

1. Move out of my parents' house.
I am grateful to my parents for letting me live with them since I graduated college. At first, I didn't have a job, so financially I couldn't afford to move out. Now that I have a job which is fifteen minutes away from home, it hasn't really made sense to move out. Why not save money? Problem with this:  my independence is suffering. I still feel the need to check in and ask permission for things I shouldn't have to. Not that they require it of me, but being here puts me back in that high schooler mindset.

2. Stick to a budget.
The other problem with my living at home is that I haven't saved any money. I pay my bills and then am very liberal with what is left. I really need to do better at saving my money rather than spending it like it's burning a hole in my pocket. For some odd reason, I feel like having rent and groceries added to the list would tremendously help with that...maybe?

3. Go back to England.
I want to go back to Eastbourne, maybe for just a week or so. Just to see Pam and Annette and Alison and revisit the place where I lived for two months. Yes, there are other places in Europe I would like to visit, but it would just be nice to return to England for a little while.

4. Go skydiving again.
This is kind of a given because I have already paid for the second time around--they give you a deal when you go the first time. But I haven't done it yet, so let's put it down as a goal.

5. Be more intentional with my blogging.
I know I'm not good at keeping a schedule, and some days my posts are just gibberish. Granted, I love posting about The Hobbit and that probably will never go away. But it would help if I was more intentional. It shouldn't feel like a burden, like something I have to do. It should always be something I want to do.

I'll have to revisit this post at the end of the year, just to see how I did.

Stay gold!


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