Snow Days!!!

I can't decide if it is more fun having snow days as a teacher or as a student. When I was a kid, it was always great to play outside in the snow and watch cartoons all day and eat a fun lunch like hot dogs and macaroni and cheese...boy, those were the days!

Now I'm a teacher, and snow days are a little different. Sure, it will kinda stink to have to go to school in June, but honestly, my heater doesn't work half the time, so it doesn't bother me too much. I love being at home in winter--I hate having to bundle up and leave my warm, comfortable house. And the nice thing about June days is that the sun is still high in the sky when you get home from school, unlike some winter days when I have lots to do and have to stay late. There is still plenty of time to do things outside!

But I still love snow days...and here's why!

1. Sleeping in!
These days, that means like 7:30, but it is still nice to not have to wake up before the sun...especially since it is winter and I already commented on how I hate the darkness of winter.

2. Sweatpants!
Honestly, it is wonderful to stay in my sweatpants (or pajama pants) all day. I love being cute and dressed up for school, but it literally took me fifteen seconds to get dressed this morning...and that includes doing my hair!

3. Movie time!
Snow days are the perfect time to stay bundled up on the couch and watch movies, just like rainy days. I feel much less guilty about watching movies and the dvr all day when it isn't nice enough to go outside.

4. Reading opportunities!
I never get to read anymore between grading and teaching and planning, so the idea that I can stay indoors all day, drink hot chocolate, watch movies, and read...can life get better? I submit that it cannot!

5. General me-time
Closet looking a little disheveled? There's time to clean it! Crafting supplies all mixed up and out of place? Time to organize them! Projects I haven't quite finished (or started)? Got time for that, too!

Whether you agree or disagree (and I know I have some teacher friends who would rather have more days in summer than snow days 😉 ), I hope you are all staying warm and cozy!

Stay gold!


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