Winter's Charm

As I sit writing this post, the wind is howling outside, whipping about puffs of snow, making roads impassable and limiting visibility. It seems a fitting time to comment on the entire season of winter, especially now that we are entering its middle third.

Some people love winter; some people hate it. I would say I am mostly the former and only a little of the latter--it isn't my favorite season, but neither do I dread its coming. This season, like most, has its upsides and its downsides. I suppose, just as with everything, it is better to start out with the negatives and then end on a positive note. Just to prevent too much rambling, I am limiting myself to three of each.

Here goes...

Three Reasons I do not like Winter

1. The ice
Goodness mercy-me in heaven, do I hate ice! I hate ice you can see and ice you can't. I'm not even overly fond of ice in my drinks. One good slip-and-fall is all it takes for me to instantly wish for summer breezes and sunshine.

2. The dark
I much prefer summer days--not necessarily for the weather, but because when I wake up, there is sunlight, and when I am settling down for the evening, the sun is just setting. I cannot stand waking up in the dark and then coming home in the dark--especially when I have to stay at school longer than usual.

3. The below-freezing temperatures
I'm a cold person by nature; I wouldn't be surprised to find that I am part lizard. My hands are always cold, and so I tolerate the cold much better than I do the heat. I can always add layers to warm up or bundle myself deep in some covers and not move for days. But when it is too cold to even venture outside, then I must complain. And I rarely complain about weather, because it will always get worse.

Now, to take a more positive outlook...

Three Reasons I love Winter

1. The snow!
I love snow. I want to wash my hands, my face, and hair with snow... The way it lays so pretty on the grass and in the trees and the way it brightens up the rooftops and covers the dead earth with a sparkly, clean blanket. The only thing I don't like about snow is driving in it--but I'd rather drive in snow than on ice, so there you go.

2. The closeness
I'm not entirely sure that is a word, and I'm also not sure this will make sense until I explain it. You see, because of the cold weather, the air is drier, so it isn't "close" like it is in summer. The humidity isn't there. But when I say close, I mean the bundled-up clothes and the toastiness of our homes and the blankets and quilts and roaring fires and the snuggling...I consider that the closeness of winter.

3. The anticipation
Winter is full of holidays like Christmas and New Year's to bring about a feeling of anticipation (although I much prefer the former to the latter...if you talked to me at all over break, I'm sure I told you at least once about how much I dislike New Year's Eve...but I digress!). The new year is starting--time to start fresh! The birth of Christ is celebrated--time to prepare for Easter! I love the feeling of starting over and starting anew and all that jazz. And, if you are a person who does not like winter, you must agree with the anticipation part...anticipating its end, that is!

I hope the doldrums of winter don't get you down as we get ready to start back to school and all that comes with it!

Stay gold!


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