Dear Future Husband: Secret Wants

One of my favorite How I Met Your Mother moments of all time is in the second season Christmas episode, where Ted and Lily are fighting. The moment I am referring to is when Ted reveals to Marshall a secret of Lily's from college. Lily tells Ted that she has always wanted an Easy Bake Oven, but Marshall doesn't know that until Ted spills the beans, resulting in an amazing Christmas surprise for Lily.

I think everyone has some of those secret wants--things you would like someone to do for you, but it would ruin the effect if you specifically told that person you wanted that. Does that make sense? I hope so. The thing is, you have to tell someone so they can tell that special someone else, whether that is a friend, a family member, or your future spouse.

So, now that I have this blog--which isn't private and therefore I don't care if people read, unlike my journal--I'm going to list those secret wants here. Then whenever someone needs to read this (or pass on the information) they can reference it...not that at this particular moment any of this needs to be passed on. I just think this is a fun idea because I know everyone has these, and honestly, how many secret wants actually get realized? Don't they usually end up as memories that go, "I always wanted..."

And so here goes!

1. A Felicity Merriman American Girl doll
As a kid, I always wanted the Felicity doll. I had the books and the activity kits and the Christmas ornaments. But I never got the Felicity doll. I always hoped I'd find her under the Christmas tree, but she was never there. As far as ultimate Christmas presents go, this is one I would probably cry after unwrapping.

2. Sara Evans concert tickets
I love Sara Evans--always have. I know all of her songs, I have almost all of her albums. But I've never gotten to see her in concert. And this is something that needs to be rectified.

3. Flowers on the first day of school
As a teacher, I have always thought it would be sweet to get flowers on the first day of school from my husband. Not on Valentine's Day necessarily but just at random on the first day of school...or the last day of school...

4. A secret wedding item
Sure, I found these awesome wedding rings, but it would be totally awesome for him to sneak things into the ceremony that have to do with my favorite things (I plan on doing this with his favorite things). Some examples might be a miniature Sting for cutting the cake or a Superman t-shirt under his tuxedo which at some point would be revealed much in the way Clark Kent would...or Michael Buble to sing at our wedding, or Magnum's Ferrari as our getaway car from the church...

5. Random notes and texts
I get these lovely "good morning" texts about once a week from one of my dearest friends, and they always make my morning go better. I may not see it until lunchtime or even at the end of the school day, but the gesture is always appreciated. Now I'm not saying I want my inbox flooded with good morning texts from everyone I is just one of those things that would be nice for my future husband to do. Be as flirty as you want--texts, e-mails, post-its on the mirror or in my lunchbox. But not too sappy--you're still a man, you know. Rub some dirt or grease or something on the note, so I can imagine that you just fixed a car with your bare hands or dug a well or something...

6. A cute nickname
I've always wanted a cute nickname, but my name lends itself to being shortened very well. It's really easy to just say "Kait" or "Kaitylin," as one friend refers to me from time to time. But if you're my husband, get creative...and if you choose to call me "Kaity," that is how you will spell it. Not the conventional way--it's more nicknamey like that. Just remember that you have to contend with "Marshmallow" and "Lilypad." (Basically, realize that you are going to have to live up to my expectations based on Marshall have big shoes to fill).

Stay gold :)


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