HIMYM Bliss!

Spoiler alert:  if you have not watched Monday's episode of How I Met Your Mother and you plan to do so, read this post after watching. That is all.

Okay, I don't know if all HIMYM fans will agree with me, but I thought Monday's episode, "How Your Mother Met Me" was absolutely perfect! It was everything I have been wanting from this season all rolled up into a thirty minute episode.

We open on the night Ted meets Robin, where season 1 begins, and follow a red-head from one MacLaren's Pub to another as she attends her roommates 21st birthday celebration. Surprise--the roommate is The Mother! And we immediately open her story with tragedy. Her absolutely wonderful boyfriend (amazing that we know so little about him and yet can pick it up with just a few details) has died tragically in an accident of some kind. The episode follows her to all the places where she and Ted just miss each other--the St. Patrick's Day party, the first day of Ted's teaching career, the date with her roommate where he sees her ankle, and so on. We get to see this beautiful woman who has only been an idea up to this point become an actual person. We see her connection to The Naked Man and when she hires her new lead singer, all of which lead to her eventually meeting Ted. We get to see her meet the boyfriend she has up until the night before Robin and Barney's wedding, and we get to see him propose. And then we get to cry with her as she finally asks her dead boyfriend if it's okay if she moves on...broke my heart!

The creators of this show and these characters have painted such an interesting picture of The Mother and her relationship with Ted. Ted has spent 9 years searching for The One, and she has spent 9 years thinking she already had The One and lost him. The idea that Ted has put his entire focus on seeking someone who has voluntarily taken herself out of the dating world is mind-blowing. She isn't looking for him! She has no desire to find someone else who could possibly replace Max, her dead boyfriend. We can see in his final birthday gift to her--the ukelele with the note about her breakfasts never having to sing acapella again--that he loves every part of her. They show us her boyfriend, Louis, listening to her sing with her English muffin, and we can see in his eyes that he isn't quite sold on the idea. And we already know that Ted loves his wife's breakfast food show tunes. We already know she is perfect for Ted, but this episode really showed that Ted is perfect for her. She is broken--he is broken, what with still being in love with Robin and all that. And yet we know that once they find each other, it's pretty magical stuff.

Which brings me to my last mind-blowing fact of the night! A lot of people (including myself) have complained about the way this last season has been written. What they don't know (and I didn't until last night) was that the finale has already been filmed. The last two minutes of the series was filmed...EIGHT YEARS AGO!!!!!! The writers have known how the series was going to end--exactly how it was going to end--since the second season. This isn't a case like Lost where it really seemed like they were writing each episode without much thought for the rest of the season. No, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas have known exactly how this series was going to end almost from the beginning. Logically, it makes sense as to why they filmed it so long ago--Lindsay Fonseca and David Henrie, who play Ted's children, do not look the way they did nine years ago. Heck, Marshall and Lily don't look the way they did nine years ago. The last two minutes of HIMYM will be simply Ted talking to his children. I'm already sure it's going to be a sucker-punch to my heart. After sticking with it for nine years, they are really keeping their fans in mind as they finish out this wonderful series.

So make sure you tune in on March 31 for the one-hour season finale. It's going to be legen--wait for it--DARY!!!!

Stay gold!


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