Dear Future Husband: Valentine's Day Edition

First of all, disclaimer:  I love Valentine's Day. Not as much as the girl in the movie, but I am not that single girl that hates V-Day just because I'm single. Sure, if you let it, it'll get you down, but I choose to focus on the chocolate and not who's giving me the chocolate...and that helps tremendously.

Anyway, since I don't have a Valentine (aside from this delicious bottle of Pink Moscato and the guys on the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team...I love watching Miracle), I thought it would be fun to do a Valentine's Day post for my future Valentine. Now, please note:  I do not wish for this to sound like I would be ungrateful for anything my Valentine might give me. I just always think it's fun to fantasize about different things--if I got to choose, what would I pick?

The Card
I spent over an hour with my friend looking for the perfect Valentine's Day card for her boyfriend. It was fun reading all the different cards and laughing at them and rolling our eyes and whatnot. But it also made me realize just how daunting it must be to go through all those cards and find the perfect one for your Valentine...and which cards I absolutely would not want to get. I love the sweet cards--the ones that make you smile and go Awwww! Not the mushy cards. Do not buy me a card that has phrases like "I love your inner spirit" and whatnot. I probably won't read it, and my thank-you will likely be insincere. And also don't buy me the stupid funny ones. Short, sweet, to the point, and adorable. That's what I want in a card.

The Flowers
I love flowers, and I'm not really choosy. I like the aesthetically pleasing ones that have some symmetry to them like roses and lilies and wildflowers. Not a huge carnation fan, but those aren't really a Valentine's Day flower. I'm not really going to be sad if I don't get flowers, but as long as they're pretty, I'll be happy with them.

The Chocolate
I'm not entirely sure how this one would be confusing. Milk or dark. No white, no fruit, don't even worry about caramel. Keep it simple, sweetheart.

The Gift
I probably wouldn't be picky about this. Be creative. Sure, the typical Valentine's gifts are good--I love stuffed animals and jewelry (though I'm sure if you're my husband, you probably know that I really don't wear it too much). I mean, go for something more sentimental and romantic than a Christmas present, but as long as you put some thought into it, I'll feel loved.

The Dinner
I'll be honest, I like cooking, but I also hate it. I hate having to take the time to do it. I hate cleaning up (but I love doing dishes, so explain that one). I don't care if we go out to dinner (although I hate being put on the spot, so don't make it too fancy) or if we stay in, but it would be truly romantic if you just took care of that for me.

The Reciprocation
I don't want you to think that I think Valentine's Day is all about me. If my Valentine wants chocolate, he'll get chocolate. If he wants flowers--sure, why not? If he wants dinner...we're going out to eat. And I promise, you'll get a gift that's fun and thoughtful, 'cuz I'm basically awesome at giving gifts.

Happy Valentine's Day, world!

Stay gold!


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