Violin Aspirations

As you may (or may not) know, I started taking violin lessons this summer. I've always admired the sound of the instrument and enjoyed watching it played. It is a fascinating piece of musicality that I wanted to learn more about. And so, two years ago, I went on eBay and bought a violin from China for $50. Is it a great violin? No. Is it a good violin? Uh...maybe passable is a better word. But after sitting through a youth symphony concert thinking about how I could easily do what they are doing out there (hahaha), I went ahead and spent the money.

And then it sat in my room for two years. I had no idea where to start! I needed to find someone to give me lessons, but I had no idea of how to go about that. My siblings even bought me a violin bow for Christmas one year to make up for the broken one mine came with...but I still couldn't play it.

This summer, I decided to figure out something. Even if I only took one lesson to get me started, I was going to play my violin, one way or another. Online, I found the Champaign School of Music. Their website said that they offered a complimentary first lesson, and so I scheduled one. The excitement I felt when we rosined my bow, tightened my bowstrings (didn't know you had to do that!), tuned the strings and then slid the bow over the strings for that very first note ever played on my was magical! I was hooked; I signed up for lessons and have been going down to Champaign every week (minus vacation and parent/teacher conferences).

I'm not great, but I'm getting better. I know what I want to be able to play someday, and so I have compiled a list of videos of some awesome violin songs or performers. Some of them might be attainable in a few years.. Some of them in maybe ten years, if I keep it up.

1. Lindsey Stirling's Crystallize
 This song...oh, I want to play this song! This is one of those "maybe in ten years" songs, and no, I probably won't be able to dance like that while playing.

2. Taylor Davis's version of He's a Pirate
I actually got this music for like 75 cents online, and so maybe someday soon, I can bust that out.

3. Concerning Hobbits by Howard Shore
Are you surprised? I'm actually already learning this's in a book I got...and is slightly easier than parts of this version.

4. Canon in D by Pachelbel

I love this song, especially on violin.

Maybe once I'm better, I'll give you a private way am I playing in front of people anytime soon!

Stay gold!


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