All is Calm

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone. I hope you are enjoying your time with friends or family, whether you're unwrapping gifts or watching football. Whatever your choice, Christmas Eve is a very special night. For little kids, it is spent in anticipation of Santa's arrival. For others, it is the storm before the calm, making sure everything is ready for Christmas morning.

I hope you can take one moment, though, just to sit in the quiet and be still. Reflect on the year you've had, the blessings you've been given.

One of my favorite moments of the Christmas season happens on Christmas Eve. During our evening worship service, the last song to be sung is always Silent Night. Candles are passed around, and the lights are turned off in the church, and we all sing this beautiful song in the dim light. The atmosphere is incredibly reverent, and every year it brings tears to my eyes. Our church decided last year to move our Christmas Eve service to 7:00 pm rather than 11:00, in the hopes that more people would join us. As much as I appreciate the move, there was always something so very special about singing Silent Night and then exiting the church knowing it was officially Christmas.

So please enjoy this last silent night, this last night before Christmas.
All is calm, all is bright.
Sleep in heavenly peace.

~Stay gold!


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