The Happiest Season of All

I love Christmas.

I love everything about it:  baking cookies, wrapping presents, decorating the house, listening to Christmas music {obviously}, watching Christmas specials. Even the things that are stressful like shopping and waiting in line! I have found that if you go into it with the right attitude, even the madness can be tolerable. Can't get a parking spot close? That's okay, the walk will do me good. Store is sold out of whatever it was I was looking for? I will just find something else {or see if I can find it on Amazon}. I love getting Christmas cards in the mail. I love singing Christmas carols. I love standing in the empty church just before the worshippers arrive on Christmas Eve and basking in the peacefulness of the place. I love driving around and looking at Christmas lights. I love wearing silly shirts with reindeer and candy cane earrings and snowmen socks. I love drinking my coffee out of a Christmasy mug {my favorite was a gift from my work BFF...seriously, how cute is that!}

I love laying under a cozy blanket with only the Christmas tree lights on while watching Charlie Brown discover the true meaning of Christmas or the Grinch's heart grow three sizes or Doris Walker finally believing in Kris...when they bring out General Waverly in uniform to the dining room of the Columbia Inn, when the boy unwraps the bell under his Christmas tree, when Ebenezer Scrooge shows up at the Crachit house.

I loved listening to my parents old records when I was a kid, and one that we used to play was an Andy Williams Christmas album. We would turn it on while we were decorating or baking or just dusting and cleaning our living room. I absolutely agree with Andy:  Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

~Stay Gold!


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