
Showing posts from September, 2013

I'm baaack!!!!

Hello, faithful readers...casual readers...random stumblers. No, I am not dead or lying in a hospital bed in a coma. I must apologize for not posting in...way too many days. Let's not count. I've been busy--I have hardly had a moment for myself. And as an introvert, I need time for myself to de-stress and all that jazz. So I've been wound...tight. Tighter than...well, something really tight. And I have to apologize to my kiddos at school, because there may have been one or two instances when I overreacted to something. But only one or two. I promise. My 30 day challenge failed. Yay for me for choosing one of the busiest months of the year to try this in. Maybe January would be better...not much going on in January. And a good way to start out the new year...I'm liking this idea. So never fear! It will be back to the completely random ramblings you all fell in love with (or were moderately amused by...or found annoying and never came back--whichever!). I'll try t

Day 19: I believe...

I believe in love. I believe in loving everyone for the quirky, messy people they are. I believe in the love of a Savior so great that he gave his life for me. I believe in happiness. I believe that anything can make you happy if you let it. I believe you should pursue happiness in whatever form you want. I believe in love. I believe in the love of my furry Schatzi and the love of my family and the love of my friends. I believe in happiness. I believe in making other people happy in whatever way I can. I believe in love. I believe in loving myself and accepting myself and expressing myself. Love and Happiness. Stay Gold.

Day 18: Inside the Weirdness

I don't think I know anyone I would consider "normal," but I honestly feel very far removed from that concept on a weekly (if not daily) basis. I like a lot of things that apparently make me "weird" and so here are five of them. Just as a note, I'm qualifying "weird" as anything someone my age wouldn't ordinarily place in their list of likes. 1. 80s Detective Shows I mean, I seriously love these things!  Magnum p.i., Simon & Simon, and The A-Team  are rainy and sunny day standbys for me. I honestly have never met another twenty something who so appreciates those lost treasures. 2. Cheese A lot of people like cheese, but I'm weirdly obsessed with it. Like, if there is an option to add cheese to something, it's going to be added. And I eat cheese randomly all the time. Maybe it's a sign that I should move to Wisconsin... 3. Instrumental Soundtracks I'm the person who listens to the Band of Brothers soundtrack

Day 17: Changes

Let's have I changed in the past two years? Physically, not much. My hair is longer. I still wear the same size clothes I did then. I finally found a bra that fits right, but other than that, things have remained constant. Economically, two years ago at this exact time, I was unemployed. I was substitute teaching and working at Shagbark, so I guess that's not technically "unemployed," but I didn't have a full time teaching job--and wouldn't for another month or so. I moved from teaching 8th grade to teaching 4th grade. My car is two years old and no longer brand new. Spiritually, I think we are always growing, as we should be. I don't know that my faith is stronger than it was, but I do think I'm more sure of what I believe in and how my life fits into it. Mentally, I know more than I did then. I have more life experience. I know how to silence a classroom with one look (yes, it is like a super power). I've jumped out of an airpla

Day 16: Happy, happy, happy!

Everyone has their go-to thing to get in a better mood. For some, it's a food, like chocolate. For others, it's wine or their kids or a favorite movie. But for me, the one thing that always makes me happy, no matter what, is my Schatzi. Yes, my darling Schatzi. Whenever I wake up and let her off, she is always so very happy to see me. The minute I get home from school, her tail starts wagging like crazy (and sometimes in a complete circle!). If I even speak to her out the window, her ears perk up and her tail starts going. How can someone not feel loved when that happens?  How can you not be happy to have someone who clearly loves you, regardless of what you say or do? If I'm lazy and don't leave the house all day, she doesn't mope and snub me. She is still excited to see me. And she is very protective! I've fallen before in the winter, trying to shut the shed door. She comes and sits almost on top of me, sniffing and making sure everything is okay.

Day 15: Relationship Status

So I'm a bad kid...I didn't post yesterday. I give the excuse that I was insanely tired. Take it or leave it. But my relationship status? This is always an interesting thing to find on a list of things to post about (and I love that they always add "if single, post about being single"). Single  is a relationship status; not sure why it needs a qualifier. I digress. Back to the meat of the post. Hi.  I'm Kaitlin. I'm single, and I'm okay with that. I sound like I'm at some kind of support meeting, but it's true. I really am okay with being single. I'm not "super excited that I'm unattached." I'm not "super devastated that I'm not in a relationship." I'm "okay." There are good days and bad days. Some days, I do that awful girl thing where I lament the fact that I'm never going to get married because I'm not in a relationship right this second. Some days, I think I'd like to move to t

Day 14: My Dream Home

I have been fortunate enough to have visited some beautiful places on this planet. France, England, Italy, just to name a few. But there is one place I would have stayed and never come home from...and I still think about it all the time! If I could move anywhere in the world, it would be to the mountains in Austria. I would love to live like Heidi and raise goats and live on the side of a mountain and pick flowers and make my own cheese... I have to say, Salzburg was the cleanest European city I visited. And all the flowers and gardens everywhere were just beautiful!  I would include a picture, but I am without my computer. I will have to add one later! Stay gold!

Day 13: Fantasy Time!

When you're single, you play out romantic scenarios in your head (or at least I do). The proposal, the wedding, all those good things. And when you're single, you need to picture someone in the opposite role so that the scenario makes sense. Thus, celebrities come in very handy, as they are visible and easy to imagine in a variety of circumstances. And so, without further ado... The Five Celebrities I would run away with in a heartbeat :) 1. Aaron Rodgers Technically, he's only engaged. It doesn't count as "taken" until they're married. Just so you know. 2. Luke Evans Those eyes...they give me goose bumps! And the accent...and the hair... 3. Ben Barnes Just imagine him with his fake Spanish accent from Prince Caspian ...or with his normal accent. And he can sing...oh, goodness! 4. Orlando Bloom Yes, I know he's married, but still...with or without the Legolas blond wig, I don't care. 5. Tom Weston-Jones Shaggy

Day 12: The Key to Kaitlin

This is hard because I have never been in love...and honestly I don't think I have ever been close to being in love. No man has ever won my heart, maybe because we all get distracted by the physical things. There was one guy who got close, and I don't even know what he did or how real it might have been all in my head. Okay, that's the end of the therapy session.  But seriously, what would it take to win my heart? I really hope no one is reading this and going to try any of this, because if you ask me tomorrow, I might hate you for doing any of these things. Five Ways to Win My Heart 1. Buy me books. But books I want to read or that you think I would like. And I am notorious for being's just easier to get me what I know I like. 2. Respect the fact that I will not text you after 8:00. If I ever do, and it isn't an emergency, you are a very, very lucky man. 3. Honor my introvertedness. I am going to want to stay home and catch up on the DVR. I

Day 11: What if...?

As we reflect on today and what it means and how we have changed as individuals and as a nation in the last 12 years, there are a lot of "What ifs" that come to mind. What if the attacks on 9/11 had never happened? What if we had reacted differently? What if it happens again? Then my mind goes further. What if President Lincoln hadn't been assassinated? What if Kennedy had lived? What if Martin Luther King, jr., had been able to see his dream come true? And then I go personal. What if I never get married? What if I get in a car accident on the way to school? What if I die before I get to see The Hobbit part 2? (The mood of this post is shifting...) But there is one thing I have always wondered "what if" about, and that is the topic of today's post. What if I fall tomorrow and hit my head and get amnesia? Have you ever thought about that...I mean really thought about that? Yes, there are movies like Fifty First Dates to give us ideas on what it would

Day 10: Bein' Quirky

This post caught my eye. I think it is kind of fun and very interesting to think about. So just let me go with it and see what happens...and what you learn! Weird things you do when you're alone 1. I sing...a lot. Real songs. Made up songs. Elaborate, operatic singing. Singing in an accent. Whatever. I do it a lot. 2. I talk to myself. Not in a creepy way, but more in like a "I'm narrating my life" way. Which maybe is creepy...I don't know. 3. I clean. I don't like things to be messy, so even when I'm home alone for the weekend (some of my favorite weekends!) I am constantly straightening up after myself. 4. I talk to my dog like she is a person...which she is. Just a very furry, four-legged person. I do this when I'm around people but more so when I'm alone. 5. I turn on all the lights. I know that I'm the only one in the house, but that doesn't mean somebody didn't break in while I was in the shower and is now waiting for

Day 9: Bullet your Day

6:00. Alarm went off. Pressed "snooze" three times. Finally turned alarm off. Grabbed phone, checked Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, played 7 Words, read Bible. Washed face, etc. Turned on straightener. Got dressed. Made coffee. Straightened hair. Drank coffee. Made lunch. Ate cereal. Brushed teeth. Left for school. Mailed some bills. Rocked out to Maroon 5 on the way to school. Returned papers, made copies, checked e-mail, changed job chart. Waited for kids to come upstairs. Had kids color football players during art. 1st Social Studies class came in. Forgot to tell them to bring scissors. Felt unprepared. 2nd Social Studies class came in. Went much better. Got the kids down to lunch. Ate my lunch. Graded papers. Sent kids on their way. Put grades in. Taught English--went okay. Tried not to faint in the heat. 3rd Social Studies class went well. Homeroom came back. Ate cupcakes for birthday and read them The Hobbit. Didn't get as far in the S

Day 8: A Date which would live in Infamy...

Everybody has that dream date in the back of their mind...or most people do, anyway. As a lover of romance novels and romantic comedies, I have seen my fair share of phenomenal dates. As a single female, I have been on my fair share of good dates and bad dates and blind dates and dates with people who remind me of my cousin or brother (always awkward). I have a beautiful dream date in my head, but it is very location and calendar specific. And honestly, it is something that I would love to do with my husband rather than a boyfriend. In fact, that is when I know this date will occur--after I'm married. And it is a more-than-one day thing, so maybe this doesn't even qualify as a "date." But I'm going with it anyway, so deal with it :^) The Perfect Date Place:  New York City (told you--very specific!) When:  Christmastime This date--or series of dates--has a very specific itinerary. However, the following parts of said date can occur at any point. (I never sai

Day 7: Gender Ramblings

I thought this post idea was very interesting. "Things that irritate you about the opposite (or same) sex." Goodness knows we hear enough of this from sitcoms and romantic comedies and songs on the radio and all that jazz. The only problem is these are generalizations. Not ever man or woman does the same things that irritate people; so these will be generalizations, also. I haven't met every single man or woman on the planet (obviously) so I can only go on my personal experiences for the opposite sex and my own experience as a female. Things that Irritate me about Women 1. The Gossip. I'm not going to lie; I have gossiped. I've worked in a public place and listened to hear what was going on in other people's lives. Why women gossip, I don't know. It's just something most of us do. We want to share information, whether it be good or bad--and not all gossip is bad! It could be someone getting engaged or having a baby or changing their look in a posi

Day 6: What's in my Belly!

I'm sure you're all dying to know this. I'm sure you've been thinking about it all day..."gee, I wonder what Kaitlin had for breakfast?" Well, I have come to make that a reality. And so below, my faithful followers, you have my meals for the day. Breakfast : bowl of plain Cheerios with milk, cup of coffee with Vanilla Caramel creamer Lunch : pretzels, fruit snacks, Babybel cheese, a pumpkin puff thing, water Snack : vanilla ice cream Supper : cod, cottage cheese with tomatoes, water, blueberry pie with lots of Cool Whip And I can almost guarantee that there will be popcorn in my evening before the night is through! This is a short post, but in all honesty, some days I eat like a horse and some days like a rabbit. It just depends on the day, the weather, if I'm bored or doing something, etc., etc. Stay gold :)

Day 5: 5 Pet Peeves

Okay, let's be real here for a second. I have way more than five...waaaaay more. But I'm narrowing it down to my top five. I'm considering any repetitive, annoying behavior or quirk to be a pet peeve. If that isn't really what a pet peeve is, I don't care. This is how I roll. 1. Bad grammar . I mean, seriously? "Your" and "you're" are not interchangeable. And no, it is not a picture of "My boyfriend and I." It is "My boyfriend and me." And I'm sorry, but you did not "done your homework." You did your homework. Get it right, people. I teach 4th grade English. I know you have come into contact with correct grammar since first grade. 2. Chewing noises of any kind . I know you're eating a banana. I can see that you have a banana in your hand. I don't need to hear it. And I can't think of a reason you could possibly need to smack your gum, so don't do it. Chewing is like buying underwear. Every

Day 4: [Insert topic here]

Today's topic was supposed to be "My Thoughts on Drugs and Alcohol." And then I got to thinking about it. Nobody cares what I think about drugs (I don't use them, and you shouldn't either), and my thoughts on alcohol are personal as well. If you want to know, ask me, but I don't think I need to devote a whole blog post to the idea. Instead, I'm going with something off the top of my head. I'm not so good at thinking like that on days when I come home from school with a headache (and I still don't know why I have said headache), especially knowing the long day I have ahead of me tomorrow. But here we go, and I think it's a fun one. If I weren't teaching, what would I want to be doing as a job? Long title, but I wanted to clarify the difference. "What would I be doing?" could be applied to summer break or any break. I'd be travelling, reading, catching up on my television, writing, whatever. But what would I love to do a

Day 3: iPod Shufflin'

I don't know exactly what this is going to say about me or tell you about me, but I'm about to put my iPod on shuffle and list the first ten songs that play. Maybe I'll add a bit of description about why that particular song is on my iPod--that could really help people understand me. Or not. Whatever. 1. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot What a great oldie! I can remember my dad playing this in the car on our way to Lake Superior to visit the site of the Edmund Fitzgerald 's wreck. It brings back great memories--and reminds me how lucky I was to have a father with excellent taste in music. 2. Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin Thanks to my dear brother, I have begun to appreciate Zeppelin. This was one I uploaded last summer. 3. The Wardrobe by Harry Gregson-Williams From the Chronicles of Narnia:  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe soundtrack--the first of many soundtracks that will be listed here. 4. You Die or I do by Hans Zimmer

Day 2: Mia Familia

No, I'm not Italian, but I like the way the phrase sounds when Buddy, the Cake Boss, says it. My family is, in one word, awesome. Every branch of my family tree is unique and special and incredible. I'm honestly not sure where to start when describing them. My immediate family--parents and siblings--is very close. My parents were very good at making family time a priority. I can't count the number of times I skipped doing things in high school because we were having a movie night. Our family vacations were just that--family centered. No friends along for us; we were spending time together, just the five of us. Sure, we fight and argue with each other--probably more often than we should--but we spend hours laughing at things no one else would understand.  And then you have my extended family--three loving grandparents, fourteen aunts and uncles, and forty cousins (spouses and children included). I will tell you this--it doesn't matter which side of the family, Rowe o

Day 1: 15 Interesting Facts about Me

Well, at least I got on and blogged for the first day. I didn't fail yet (and that is indeed the key word!). The first topic is kind of difficult--what qualifies as "interesting?" And who decides if it is interesting or not? The reader? The writer? Hmm? Regardless your opinion on these, here are 15 Interesting (or strange) Facts about Myself . 1. I wish my life were a musical sometimes. Like, if I took all my favorite songs from my favorite musicals and just sang them as I did things...not like Glee, though. Somehow, I'm sure there is a difference. 2. I'm that person who has no intention of getting a tattoo, but I have one picked out in the off-chance I ever change my mind. 3. I own more books than articles of clothing. And no, I honestly don't think this is an exaggeration. 4. I love shoes, but if it were socially acceptable, I would go barefoot all the time (until it's too cold). 5. It really, really bothers me when people don't spell my